

Greenhouse gas emission


Lic. Chemist Analyst and Research Support Professional INIA, Remehue, Osorno, Chile. He has extensive 
experience in the implementation and analysis of different analytical techniques, especially in techniques
for determining greenhouse gases from soil and animal rumen samples, Alkanes in feces and pastures for
determination of consumption, volatile fatty acids in ruminal fluid, NBPT and DCD. He has collaborated in
the implementation and analysis of automated and manual system data for the determination of N2O, CH4 and
CO2 emissions from soils under pastures and crops. She has been part of the organizing committee and speaker
of different international training workshops, whose objective has been the training of professionals for
the implementation of greenhouse gas measurement methodologies. He has been a teacher of the Chromatography
Applied to Foods course, of the Food Engineering Degree; and the Gas Chromatography course, intended for
teachers and laboratory analysts. He has published numerous research on the subject at international
conferences and magazines, and has received different awards and mentions in 2013 and 2013 for his
contributions. He is currently leader of the FONATGO RG-T4386 project “Optimizing the use of nitrogen,
greater production and lower impact (N4R)”

Fellow researchers


Marcelo Javier Beltrán

Soil and water conservation managements. Mitigation and adaptation to climate change techniques

Romina Romaniuk

Mitigation to climate change Use efficiency of fertilizers Carbon cycle

Patricia Carfagno

Soil management and conservation Soil physics

Vanina Cosentino

Climate change mitigation Measurement of N2O

Verónica Ciganda

Integrated systems specialist Climate change mitigation life cycle

Valentina Rubio

Productive systems management Climate Change mitigation

Bruno Alves

biological nitrogen fixation N y C recycle
Dominican Republic

Gregorio Lagombra

Animal nutrition
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)