

Integrated systems specialist Climate change mitigation life cycle


Agricultural engineer from the University of the Republic, Uruguay. Master's and Doctorate from the 
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States. Principal Researcher of the Area of ??Natural Resources,
Production and Environment of the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA, Uruguay).
Between 2018 and 2021 he directed the Production and Environmental Sustainability Program of the INIA,
later going on to coordinate, between 2022 and 2024, the Natural Resources, Production and Environment
Area of ??the same institution. He has led and participated in national and international projects on topics related mainly to: greenhouse
gas emissions in livestock and agricultural production systems; interaction between agricultural production
systems and water quality; life cycle analysis in grazing cattle production systems; and the sustainability of native forests affected by the production of livestock systems. Her academic activity stands out for being an active teacher and advisor of master's and doctoral students
at the Postgraduate College of the Faculty of Agronomy and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University
of the Republic); Until 2023, he will be a member of the postgraduate academic council of the Faculty of
Agronomy. In addition, she has participated as a delegate for Uruguay of the Livestock Research Group of
the Global Research Alliance for greenhouse gases. In the last 5 years he has published more than 13 scientific articles, made presentations and published
summaries and technical articles at a significant number of national and international conferences and
events. It has a total of more than 1600 citations as of 2019 (Google Scholar).

Fellow researchers


Marcelo Javier Beltrán

Soil and water conservation managements. Mitigation and adaptation to climate change techniques

Romina Romaniuk

Mitigation to climate change Use efficiency of fertilizers Carbon cycle

Patricia Carfagno

Soil management and conservation Soil physics

Vanina Cosentino

Climate change mitigation Measurement of N2O

Valentina Rubio

Productive systems management Climate Change mitigation

Sara Hube

Greenhouse gas emission

Bruno Alves

biological nitrogen fixation N y C recycle
Dominican Republic

Gregorio Lagombra

Animal nutrition
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)