
Espinosa - Tasón


Research agricultural economist at IDIAP, focused on innovation processes and diversification in rural livelihood strategies, consumer attitudes on food safety and nutrition, acceptance of agricultural technologies by farmers, as well as such as the management of natural resources, mainly soil and water, at the rural-urban territorial level. In 2011, he obtained with honors a master's degree in environmental socioeconomics from CATIE after conducting his thesis research on technological change in banana production in the Dominican Republic with the sponsorship of Bioversity International. Scholar of the USDA Borlaug Fellowship Program in 2015, at the Department of Agronomy at Iowa State University. He completed his doctorate at the University of Córdoba (Spain) working in collaboration with the group Water, Environmental and Agricultural Resources Economics (WEARE-UCO). ) with the benefit of the SENACYT Scholarship Program. His doctoral thesis is framed in the evolution of Spanish irrigation and the implications of its management in the face of water scarcity. Three scientific articles (Impact Factor) were published from the thesis research results, and in his defense (2022) he obtained the outstanding academic degree cum laude.



Vertical Farming

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)