
Edwin Andrés
Villagran Munar


Senior Master Researcher and technical coordinator of the Agrosavia protected agriculture structures. Agricultural engineer. Master in Agricultural Engineering from the National University of Colombia. Doctoral Candidate in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability.
14 years of experience in research, working in the area of ??protected agriculture in institutions such as the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University of Bogota, the Colombian Floriculture Innovation Center and the Colombian Association of Flower Exporters.
The research topics have focused on the Design of protected agriculture structures for the high Andean tropics. The aerodynamic and Microclimatic characterization of the main greenhouses used in the ornamental sector. The use of modeling and simulation tools for microclimate studies in protected agriculture structures and finally the microclimate optimization of Colombian greenhouses and the optimization of water use for irrigation. He has more than 50 scientific publications in high-impact journals as a result of his experiences in research projects.



Vertical Farming

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)