
Pedro Federico


Agricultural Engineer and PhD in Agricultural Sciences, received from the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA). He has received training related to waste treatment and quality of bio-fertilizers at the National University of Brasilia (UNB-Brazil), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB – Spain) and the Rashtriya fertilizer company (India). He works in the Sustainable Agrotechnology group (EEA Mendoza INTA) and carries out his line of research in the treatment and valorization of organic waste from agricultural and agroindustrial activities. He has participated in various national and international projects, agreements with companies, and is the author of works in refereed magazines, presentations at conferences, director of undergraduate thesis and participating teacher in courses on the subject. He participates in the design and installation of industrial-scale composting treatment plants for the stabilization of livestock organic waste. Technician specialized in the characterization through physical-chemical, stability and maturity variables, as well as in the stabilization and valorization process of organic solid waste and its treatment products. He participates in teaching undergraduate and graduate subjects at FAUBA and the University of COMAHUE, and has also participated in various conferences and training courses organized by INTA.

Currently, he serves as president of the recent Argentine Composting Association (ASACOMP).



Vertical Farming

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)