
Elizabeth Consuelo
Heros Aguilar

Genetic improvement Water and nitrogen use efficiency greenhouse gas emissions Agriculture Capacity building Evaluation of Results and Impact Gas emission Policies Productive systems


Elizabeth Consuelo Heros Aguilar, born in Piura, Peru, holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the National University of Piura, a master's degree in Plant Genetic Improvement, and a Ph.D. in Sustainable Agriculture.

Since 1993, she has been involved in rice research, focusing on genetic improvement and seed production in the private sector. She has also worked at the National Council of Science and Technology (CONCYTEC), and since 2006, she has been working at the National Agrarian University La Molina (UNALM) in Lima, Peru.

As a researcher in the Native Cereals and Grains Program, she is involved in projects aimed at promoting the sustainability of rice production in Peru through genetic improvement and agronomic practices to reduce the environmental impact of rice cultivation. This includes improving nitrogen and water efficiency.

In the field of genetic improvement, she has developed early-maturing materials with tolerance to water and biotic stress, utilizing mutation techniques (gamma rays) to identify early-maturing and salt-tolerant rice mutants.

She has served as the general coordinator and researcher for projects funded by CONCYTEC, the National Agricultural Innovation Program (PNIA), FONTAGRO, and various competitive funds. Additionally, she is a researcher in projects with the University of the Pacific-UNALM on the "Feasibility of using geo-referenced photographs in the design of agricultural insurance" and with the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain-UNALM, in the project "Improvement of agricultural techniques in rice fields of Peruvian rural producers using drones and satellite images for efficient water management."

She has authored and co-authored various articles and publications aimed at disseminating technological alternatives that promote the sustainability of family rice farming and identifying materials with stress tolerance.

Currently, at UNALM, she teaches courses such as Rice, General Biology, etc., and serves as the principal lecturer and director of the Academic Department of Crop Science in the Faculty of Agronomy.

Fellow researchers


Cristhian Delgado

Agriculture Capacity building Evaluation of Results and Impact Gas emission Policies Productive systems

Eduardo Graterol

Agronomy Rice breeding Agriculture Capacity building Evaluation of Results and Impact Gas emission Policies Productive systems

Alvaro Roel

irrigation sustainability agronomy Agriculture Capacity building Evaluation of Results and Impact Gas emission Policies Productive systems
United States

Michel Reba

Agriculture Capacity building Evaluation of Results and Impact Gas emission Policies Productive systems

Viviana Criollo

Agriculture Capacity building Evaluation of Results and Impact Gas emission Policies Productive systems

Víctor Hugo Barrera Mosquera

agronomy agricultural economy

Sady García Bendezú

agronomy soils
United States

Arlene Adviento

Agriculture Capacity building Evaluation of Results and Impact Gas emission Policies Productive systems

Verónica Suango Sánchez

geography agriculture greenhouse gases zoning

Yamil Cartagena

soil plant nutrition irrigation
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)