Jamil Macedo is Executive Secretary of IICA-PROCITROPICOS. Doctor in Agronomy, soil area from CORNELL UNIVERSITY, USA (1988). Specialization in the environmental area by TUFTS UNIVERSITY, USA (1992). He currently works as an IICA International Specialist in the area of ??Technology and innovation in international and multilateral cooperation. At PROCITROPICOS, he directs the promotion, planning, and implementation of actions, especially in the Tropics Region, covering the topics: Sustainable intensification; Family agriculture; Climate Change and Genetic Resources; Food Security and Capacity Development and Institutional Strengthening. Publications include Impact of natural resources management research in the Amazon region-Workshop on methodological innovations in impact assessment of agricultural research (2008); Sistema Brasileiro Classificação de Solos (1999); Structuring of geoenvironmental data in the experimental farm context-Geographic Information System (1998).