

2016 FONTAGRO Photo Contest

FONTAGRO launched its 2016 Photo Contest on the topic: “In a new light: Family Farming in Latin American, the Caribbean, and Spain.” Opening date: February 18, 2016. Closing date: March […]

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Story of Success- Native Potato Project

NATIVE POTATO: COLORS WITH IDENTITY The importance of the native potato and its economic and cultural significance in the Andean Region   GENERAL INFORMATION Project name: Technological innovations and niche […]

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Excellence Award

  VI Award for Scientific Excellence 2015. Each year FONTAGRO presents this award to the best project and team of researchers and institutions that have demonstrated scientific excellence in execution […]

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Premio a la Excelencia

VI Premio a la Excelencia Científica 2015 Este premio es otorgado por FONTAGRO todos los años al mejor proyecto y al equipo de investigadores e instituciones que han demostrado excelencia […]

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