Post Doc position: co-design of climate-smart options with family farmers in Colombia
Post Doc position: co-design of climate-smart options with family farmers in Colombia
Post Doc position: co-design of climate-smart options with family farmers in Colombia
Publication of the Successful Cases Innovation in Family Agriculture Competition, sponsored by FONTAGRO, IICA and IDB. 2012. Impactful Innovations: Lessons from Family Agriculture in Latin America and the […]
FONTAGRO launched its 2016 Photo Contest on the topic: “In a new light: Family Farming in Latin American, the Caribbean, and Spain.” Opening date: February 18, 2016. Closing date: March […]
PROJECT: EVALUATION OF WATER PRODUCTIVITY CHANGES IN THE SOUTHERN CONE Project Name: Evaluation of Changes in Water Productivity Project’s Lead Researcher: Alejandro Antúnez, INIA, Chile Duration: 3 years Cost: The […]
PROJECT: RICE PESTS: A NEW CHALLENGE FOR CENTRAL AMERICAN RICE PRODUCERS Project’s Lead Researcher: Ismael Camargo, PhD, Project Coordinators at IDIAP, Panama Duration: 3 years Cost: The total investment was $1,627,200; […]
NATIVE POTATO: COLORS WITH IDENTITY The importance of the native potato and its economic and cultural significance in the Andean Region GENERAL INFORMATION Project name: Technological innovations and niche […]
NATIVE POTATO: COLORS WITH IDENTITY The importance of the native potato and its economic and cultural significance in the Andean Region GENERAL INFORMATION Project name: Technological innovations and niche […]
VI Award for Scientific Excellence 2015. Each year FONTAGRO presents this award to the best project and team of researchers and institutions that have demonstrated scientific excellence in execution […]
VI Premio a la Excelencia Científica 2015 Este premio es otorgado por FONTAGRO todos los años al mejor proyecto y al equipo de investigadores e instituciones que han demostrado excelencia […]